
Hi! We're Cheap And Chic NYC, your source for fun and frugal things to experience around New York City. We cover travel, shopping, restaurants, nightlife, outdoor fun, music, theatre, performing arts and everything in between. Browse for tips, check out our links, or share your own suggestions with us! Entertainment Blog Top Sites

Monday, March 20, 2006

Cheap Date?

Check this out... this week NBC's "The Today Show" is doing a series on "the cheapest date in America". They're sharing our stories on the cheapest date we've ever been on or hosted.

So, Katie Couric and Matt Lauer -- how about the cheapest and most chic date? Here at CheapandChicNYC, we'd love to hear about the cheapest and most chic date you've ever been on... or better yet, hosted. Tell me if I'm wrong, but is there anything more romantic than someone that has put their imagination to work and has taken you off the beaten track of expensive dinners, Broadway plays, and/or cocktails at the most trendy (and expensive) wine bars in New York in an effort to sweep you off your feet?

Now, it's not necessary to video this romantic event that should only be shared between you two love birds. However, we'd certainly like to hear your story. Respond here and let us read in envy your most romantic (and inexpensive) date.

Or feel free to send us a video of yourself describing your amorous rendevous. And to better convince us that the cheap and chic method works, send us a video of the lovely couple describing the cheap and chic date that led you to fall head-over-heals for one another. You can email your videos to

Also, don't forget to check out this week's Today Show to watch the top contenders of the cheapest dates in America... Monday — Friday (7am - 10am ET) on NBC.


At 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Caitlin.....good to hear from you this St. Patrick's Day! I'll have to take notes from your site for my next trip to NYC.

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Swa said...

If you are looking for a place for good atmosphere and cheap drinks, tryout Third and Long (check out the blog). There's always a good drink special each night and it fits right in with your theme!


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